Use "jobseeker|jobseekers" in a sentence

1. You will not usually be able to get Jobseeker ' s Allowance until you have a Jobseeker ' s Agreement .

2. The EURES network service will also be used, to pass foreign job advertisements to jobseekers.

3. For Grants you must usually be getting Income Support or income - based Jobseeker ' s Allowance .

4. We will give you information about Jobseeker ' s Allowance and other benefits you may be able to get .

5. Disability premium or higher pensioner premium on : Income Support , income - based Jobseeker ' s Allowance , Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit .

6. who are registered as jobseekers by the Public Employment Services in Spain on the day of entry into force of this Decision.

7. If you are aged 60 or over you will be able to choose whether to get Income Support or Jobseeker ' s Allowance ( JSA ) .

8. If you claim Income Support or Jobseeker ' s Allowance you will get forms to claim Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit with your claim pack .

9. If you do not claim Income Support or Jobseeker ' s Allowance you can get forms for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit from your local council .

10. If you want to claim Council Tax Benefit or Housing Benefit , you should complete and return the relevant form or forms with your claim for Income Support or Jobseeker ' s Allowance .

11. The two researchers say that, due to economic disparities among Member States, the actual level of unemployment benefits that can be exported differs significantly and can expose mobile EU jobseekers to exploitation.

12. First, a runaway population boom that produces each year a cohort of first-time jobseekers; next, a severe economic crisis, verging on recession, that wiped out the modern sector’s absorptive capacity; finally, a mass rural exodus forcing many to come “mess about” in the cities.